
Invite your friends to join at

Invite your contacts and let them discover this website : import your contacts from your email accounts or from the other social networks and send them a message.

Let your friends know about this website so that you can share your experience with them.

If you are a school manager, you can invite your clients or former students so that they know about your webpage on our website.

Importer vos contacts depuis un compte Email/Réseaux social

Importez vos contacts depuis un compte Email/Réseaux social

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Consignes d'import de fichier pour inviter vos contacts

You can also import a .csv file with your friends and contacts' emails so that they can get your invitation.

Each line of the .csv file must contain 1 email address. For further details, please read our FAQ here.


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(gmail / facebok / twitter / ...)
Suivez nous sur Twitter @CentredesFormat